
Tourist office is opened every day from 9.30 to 19


Tried & Tested: Matin Tonik

Matin Tonik
Matin Tonik etirement postural seance bien etre
A well-being session on the beach

Matin Tonik? What on earth is that?

These morning events are essentially well-being sessions that take place every morning in July and August. You can try Qi Gong, yoga, postural stretching, Nordic walking or even a spot of hiking. Sessions are just 3€, a great way to unwind, get in shape and feel fabulous.

Let’s go!

I’ve seen these sessions happening on the beach and have always wanted to have a try. So I decided to throw myself in at the deep end… or at least onto the sand, as each session of postural stretching takes place on the beach.
It’s not a bad spot for a bit of exercise, is it?

Sunshine, movements and a good atmosphere

At precisely 9.45am, with a friend for moral support, I arrive at the beach with my bottle of water and a beach towel. The towel’s important as you do the exercises on the sand.
You don’t need any particular sportswear, just comfortable clothes that allow you to move easily. There are around fifty of us in total, gathered in the glorious sunshine of an August morning. There are men and women of all ages, some of whom are regulars, some are first-timers like me. We smile hello as we pass, it’s a very relaxed atmosphere.

Magali - a sports coach at the Valdys Thalasso Spa Centre - welcomes us all and we begin with very gentle stretching. We breathe in, breathe out, and transition from one movement to the next as the waves gently rise and fall.

Gradually, the rhythm picks up. There’s no panic, I’m not very sporty but I managed to complete all the movements without difficulty (although I’ll admit a few of the others were far better at it than I was!). Suddenly the session was coming to an end. And I was left feeling less tense and more relaxed.


So, as you can see, a session of Matin Tonik… tried and tested and fully approved!